Perspectives and Launching Your Own Law Firm with Sara Stock
Law Firm Launch Podcast Episode 2
In the second episode of Law Firm Launch Podcast, CEO of Legal Back Office, Jaimee Hall talks with Sara Stock, the CEO of Stock Legal. Stock Legal is a business law focused boutique law firm based in St. Louis, Missouri. During her time talking with Jaimee, Stock talked about the two biggest lessons she has learned during her time working through the COVID pandemic; describing how these lessons on communication and emotions have impacted her both professionally and personally.
Lesson 1: Emotions Are Amplified During COVID19
The first lesson Stock talked about was about how emotions are amplified during this crisis period.“Your behavior as a service provider and as a human is amplified. So if you can be incredibly kind, and passionate and supportive, and go above and beyond for your client, friend, or family member, it is just amplified,” Stock said.On the other hand, having a bad attitude can also be amplified at this time. Stock said her clients have mentioned how supportive her firm has been, but has also had clients complain about other service providers having a negative attitude.Stock said clients appreciate the firm when they are willing to go through the mud with them.
Lesson 2: The Importance Of Communication
The second lesson Stock touched on during her talk with Jaimee is the importance of communication.Stock said being efficient and communicating well and often helps clients in this time of crisis — even mentioning that over communicating to clients is accepted.“That little tiny step, and it is a little thing, but that reassurance gives clients the trust and faith in us that we are acting with integrity. We are doing exactly what we are said we are going to do,” Stock said.Although the importance of communication has always been apparent, she has learned to understand it during this pandemic. The same goes with forming deep relationships in her personal life.Stock mentioned that because of the stay-at-home order she has been able spend more time with her children and catching up with friends.“I’ve spent hours on the phone with friends at night, just talking and that is not something in our go-go-go, kids have sports, business centered society that we really have time for,” Stock said.
Launching Your Own Firm
To close out the podcast, Stock gives advice to lawyers trying to launch their own firm. Stock launched her own firm about 5 years ago and said she sees all the mistakes she has made, but that is how one learns.Stock said to not feel like you have to do everything on your own. When you are a business owner you have to wear all the hats but knowing when to take them off and delegate is the key.“Accept taking a half of a step back to take two huge steps forward,” Stock said. Are you an attorney looking for assistance in running the back-office operations of your law firm? Contact Legal Back Office for a complimentary consultation on your law firm needs.