
Do you know the differences between SEO, PPC, SEM, HTML, SSL, and all the other marketing and web design jargon you may have come across? If not, don’t worry because our law firm marketing services are here to help! Marketing is a critical component to any business, even the business of practicing law. If you don’t have a clear brand and identity, a robust web presence, and an optimized website, then your clients will not be able to find you.

Let us partner with you to establish a Marketing Plan that can help your company generate the client leads you need to support your strategic goals. We can help with your brand identity development, build a custom website, create a comprehensive marketing plan, and provide strategic Marketing consulting as well as operations to ensure all details of your marketing are covered.

Your time is your most valuable asset. A partnership with LBO is the law firm marketing solution you’ve been looking for.

Marketing Plan

Before we blindly tell you how to run your firm’s marketing, we first get to know you, your leadership team, your clients, your firm, your firm’s goals for potential new client growth, your firm’s revenue goals, etc. Based on your practice area(s), target clients, the information you’ve shared, and your goals for growth, we will prepare a customized Marketing Plan outlining our recommendations, marketing tools, monthly marketing actions, and regular cadence of meetings to empower you to achieve your goals. We will then meet with you to review that plan, and from that meeting, we will build out a Schedule of Services with the marketing services that fit your needs.


Law Firm Brand Package

Visually set your firm apart with professionally designed branding.

  • Brand Discovery Meeting: To get to know your business and client base.
  • Brand Strategy Formation: Developing a strategy unique to you that will present the service promise you want to communicate to your clients.
  • Identity Package: 3 Logo Design Concepts, Tagline Development, Colors & Typography
    *Additional design work for banners, brochures and other marketing collateral can be requested and priced as needed.
  • Brand Guidelines: A document to use in your business to maintain the strength and consistency of your brand standards.

Website Design & Development

A fully custom website for your law firm. *We don’t build templated sites*

  • Customized / On-Brand Presentation of your Firm & Services Offerings: We don’t build templated sites. Each site we build is unique to your firm’s brand and specific online needs.
  • Responsive Design: We build for Desktop, Mobile, and all devices in between for a fully-inclusive experience.
  • Lead Capture Focused Design Trends: We design and build with lead capture at the forefront to maximize engagement.
  • SEO Best Practices: We build every site with ground-level Search Engine Optimization best practices so that your content will be found when searched for.
  • WordPress (CMS): We build custom sites with the WordPress CMS, a stable, growing, and flexible code base that allows you to build an ever-evolving website experience.
  • Webflow (CMS): We build custom sites with the Webflow CMS, a no-code solution that allows you to create an ever-evolving website experience and manage content internally.
  • Ongoing Maintenance Offered: If interested, our team provides ongoing website maintenance to keep your site up and running.
  • Hosting Packages Offered: If interested, we provide fast & reliable hosting for your website. Take the hands-off approach and let us handle the details.

Full-Service Law Firm Marketing

A close partnership that positively builds your firm’s reputation.

  • Email & Digital Advertisement Marketing: Drafting and sending out e-newsletters + managing your lists. Creating Ad Campaigns and Managing Budgets.
  • Graphic Design Services: Ongoing design needs for brochures, postcards, digital ads, and more are covered in full-service marketing.
  • Blogging & Content Creation: Adds SEO value to your site + connects your audience with your ever-growing brand.
  • News Releases / Case Highlights: Keep your audience up to date on firm news and case success stories.
  • Social Media Management: Engagement with your audiences on social media is vital in today’s world of business, but it’s time-consuming! Enter LBO…
  • Legal Industry Copywriting: Creating content that is specific to the legal industry is nuanced. Our team has years of legal industry experience, esnuring your content is professional & poised for the right engagement.
  • Philanthropic Campaigns: Creating campaigns around your philanthropic efforts builds a positive brand representation for your firm.
  • Legal Network Management: We’ll manage popular legal network profiles (like Avvo, Findlaw, etc) for you so you can focus on casework.
  • Monthly Analytics Reporting: Regular meetings and monthly reporting help us see our progress and gain insight for improvement.